dinsdag 16 september 2014

The figure of the Mysterious Spiral-Spiral began to appear in the sky, even the capture Spiral figure of NASA in outer space!

Washington, USA--the mysterious spiral Photos near a star who illuminates enshrinedthe Hubble Space Telescope, courtesy of the United States Space Agency, NASA.

The photos were taken using infrared light.

Like the NASA site, reported up to now scientists have discovered what causes thestrange spiral structure. They also had no idea why the spiral that also shine.Predictably strong, spiraling light that caused the light reflected on the nearby stars.

In the meantime, the spiral is allegedly the result of a star in a binary star systementering the planetary nebula phase when he pulled off successive atmosphere.

The photo shows the praplanet nebula is not usually called IRAS 23166 1655 which forms a veil of dust around LL Pegasi, a star in the constellation Pegasus.

Mysterious spiral photos near a star enshrined from the Hubble spacecraft (National Geographic)

That pattern suggests the origin of the nebula, is composed of gas and dust streakedout at speeds of more than 50,000 kph.

Despite its name the planet nebulous but has nothing to do with the planet. Itacquired the name object, such as because of its small size compared to the stars in General. With the rate of expansion of the gas spirals, a new layer is supposed toappear every half a year.

Galaxy Spiral Shaped
But this is not a "spiral" first captured the Hubble. NASA'S Hubble Space Telescopecaptured through breathtaking photos, spiralyang a Galaxy away trillions of miles from Earth. The Galaxy is a circular shaped 4911 dinamakanNGC, like a wheel.

Galaxy NGC 2911

It is situated 320 million Galaxy away from Earth  precisely in ' Coma ' Cluster which consists of 1,000 galaxies and stars that are similar to the Milky Way Galaxy.

NASA gave the title of that picture, ' Island Universe ' or ' island Universe '  the majestic face on spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma Berenices North, amid a sea ofstars.

The Galaxy consists of a line that is rich in gas and dust near the Galactic Center.

Spiral-Spiral Began popping up in the air
Other spiral appearance has also been reported by numerous eye witnesses but notdiangkasa out, but in the sky the Earth!

First reported no sightings of the rotating spiral-shaped smoke over the sky in the region of China in 1988, but at the moment it is not highlighting the media globally and ingested by time.

Other sightings occur relic in Norway, Europe in 2009. Even the appearance of this spiral into controversy and speculation and debate in the forums of the internet world.

Light spiral (spiral light) on the ceiling of Norway

norway sky spiral phenomena

There are who think this spiral is "dimensional gate" aka the gates to other dimensionsused by the aliens. There is also a mention that it is a software or game softwaresophisticated CGI effects.

In addition many others assume that this three dimensional holographic effects from the project very secret "Blue Beam" that is being tested. Some are saying that this isdue to the effect of electromagnetic wave emission into the atmosphere which is alsovery secretive project controlling weather, "HAARP".

There was even a judge is also a light effect of a failed missile launches by Russia. As a result of the failure, this makes the missile movement swirling spiral clouds form in the sky.

Norway spiral effect that looks diangkasa is believed due to the failure of the launch ofa missile of Russia

Up to now the appearance of spiral sky Norway above no one knew for sure. Even this spiral is much more similar to what is captured by the Hubble telescope compared to afigure of a Galaxy.

But the most plausible is a spiral over Norway in 2009 could be the light effect is of afailure of the launch of the missile belongs to Russia.

Finally, a year after the existence of spiral apparition in the heavens the mysteriousNorwagia in 2009, now turn in Australia look similar spiral diangkasa Australia ... you!

But until now no one knew exactly what it was, actually ...? The more the theorypresented, increasingly makes it a no for sure.

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