dinsdag 16 september 2014

paramilitary Police guarding a space centre in southern India

BANGALORE (SuaraMedia News)-a paramilitary Police guarding a space centre insouthern India on Tuesday suffered a shootout with two men who acted suspiciouslynear the facility.
The firefight occurred in the early hours of Tuesday at the Deep Space Network inByalalu, about 40 kilometres from Bangalore, when the guards against two men, one of whom began firing a handgun.
"In return, our guards shoot toward the suspect who fled the scene and disappeared inthe darkness," said Director of the India Space Research Organization (ISRO), s. Satish, told the AFP news agency.
"We have reported the case to local police who submit some additional personnel tofacilities."
Interior Minister p. Chidambaram confirmed that guards from the Central IndustrialSecurity Force (CISF) paramilitaries have fired at suspects.
"A number of teams there are investigating the matter. There is no danger that threatens it, "he said.

India is already in high vigilance since the onset of the bombing in the city of Pune in February that killed 16 people, with strict supervision of the installation at risk.
Police now are investigating whether the shootout was the Act of the militants orcommon criminals. The suspect broke out over two shots from a revolver and guardsretaliated with eight shots.
"It's too early to speak from the point of view of terror. We are currently investigating the shooting case from any point of view, "said Kamal Panth, Inspector General of police for the area of Bangalore, told the AFP news agency.
"We are combing the area to locate the suspect."
However, police cast doubt on the claims of CISF firefight was because there are notraces of the bullets shot at the parapet or the empty sleeve that is found in the scene.
"There are no visible signs of the shooting from the outside," said ADGP (law and code of conduct) AR Infant.
"From the surface, this seems to be not a terror attack," he said, adding that it was stilltoo early to call it a terror attack.
Infant said that CISF personnel, Jadhav, who was on duty at the main gate, claimed to have seen two uniformed people with suspicious gestures khakhi color in the early hours was 3.20 o'clock.
He said that the two men it claims Jadhav opened fire towards the main gate of theISRO, which he countered with eight shots. Two other members of the CISF also were on duty at that time was not on the scene during the shootout occurred and onlycome later.
"Only found six sleeve from eight rounds are claimed to have been fired by Jadhavwhile there is no rest of the sleeve that are found outside of the neighborhood," saidInfant. IGP Kamal Pant and police superintendent district of Ramanagaram, BS Bisnalli,visited the site.
"It is too early to speculate on the matter. Jadhav, along with other security personneland staff at ISDN are all being questioned right now, "said Infant.
The attack in Pune was the first in India since the attacks on Mumbai in 2008 that killed 166 people.
Deep Space Network was built in 2007 by ISRO for receiving data and images from the Mission of the State-owned Moon explorers who first, Chandrayaan-1, which was launched in 2008.(rin/dn) www.suaramedia.com

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