dinsdag 16 september 2014

Strangeness on Earth

Humans can fly as high as possible, completing his imagination far across the Galaxy ... " Trying to find a new phenomena in outer space, but still to this day the Earth, a place where the man stood, thinking and fantasizing remains a mystery sometimesunattainable resourceful human ...

1. Islands can disappear

The island is really weird. Growing is inexplicable without ceritamisterius story for sure.The oddly again, not everyone can find it. Developing story that comes from the adventurous sea surrounding the bizarre weirdness. In 1707, a ship's captain fromUnited Kingdom, Andean Julius discovered this island, But oddly enough, she can barely reach the Mainland of the island. But he argued the island does exist is not amere optical illusion. Hence in a map he marks the folder as an island.

Oddly again, 200 years later, when the Admiral Makaluofu and the inspection teamsare currently sailing to the North Pole using icebreaker, trying to find the island thatare in that folder, but does not find it. In 1925. a navigator, Woershi, successfullyreached the island he even memorized the conditions of the island. Strangely, the morethe team consisting of the expedition scientists who deliberately came to the island in 1928, failed to find the island. Until now, the island remains a mystery unsolved yg. As if the island can only be seen when he wanted to show his form!
Spoiler for the island:

2. Mysterious Valleys in Antarctica

This is the mysterious valleys in Antarctica. No one could explain this phenomenon, how come when all regions of Antarctica is covered in snow, this valley of dry snow ofAssamese. This is really weird and wonderful. If seen from above, the Valley like a lid on which remain dry while the snowy surroundings.

People call this Valley adalah'lembah dry without snow ' Hence this phenomenonremains a mystery for foreigners. As it known about 14 million square kilometers of thetotal area of the continent of Antarctica, terselimuti snow that its thickness can reach2000 metres even 4,800 meters. In winter, the ice also freeze the oceans, making it difficult to distinguish where land where the ocean.
Spoiler for the Valley:

3. "Moguicheng", the city of Demons in China

In China, more people know this desert as "Moguicheng" or Devil's town, located inXinjiang, China. There is a sort of fortress or castle.Well if we across the desert towardthe Castle, gently blowing breeze accompanied by sounds like the sound of musiccoming from a distance.Sounds like this is not the sound of pitched rumble interfereoccasionally bersuit-suit the wind, but it had a tone like a song.

People across the desert to this agreed seems to hear the tone of kejauahan. The melody was like from the vibrations of 10 million bel, but sometimes people can feel the music like flicking gently from 10juta guitar ' strings. Moguicheng, the city ofDemons in China however, when storms come, sand-sand diterbangkanoleh strong winds, the sky is pitch black, the situation suddenly changed as hell. Beautiful musicwas changing, with the sound of a strange sound horrible.

Roaring sound like dariharimau, trumpet, and the voice of elephant lengkingan pigs are being slaughtered, whining baby cries and screams of the women who will die. This terrible voices continue to alternately gripping atmosphere more and moresehinggamembuat. Badaikemudian aggressive diserta girder with circling in the skyaccompanied by snarling voice fear of wolves at night mostly cloudy. Somehow the feelings of people who built this city once was, where did that voice come no one could explain.

4. Temperature Anomaly Zone in Henan

This place is located in Henan, China. Locals call it "bingbing bei" or ridges of ice. This place seems untouched seasons change.. When the rest of China is experiencing winter,in this place thus warmer, warm zone. This is really weird.

People call the turn of seasons is a law of nature that cannot be changed, but here it just doesn't apply. The exact location is a mountain range to the East of Liaoning province. The population experiencing the warm temperature, while other areas in China are undergoing seasonal changes. The existence of this phenomenon, the regiongot the nickname "temperature anomaly zone." This "anomalous geothermal zone"extends to the outskirts of Hunjiang River to the left of the end to the right of the riverHun into the foothills near Guandian province. Length "temperature anomaly zone" is roughly 15 km, with an area of approximately 106,000 square meters.

Uniknyaketika summer comes, this temperature-dependent anomal area decreases.When summer temperatures reaching 30 degrees Celsius, the temperature here is precisely the beradadi minus 12 Celsius, temperatures even drajat super cold keep setsof up to 1 meter below the ground. Even the ground water being frozen and so d

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