dinsdag 16 september 2014


Twice a year, the tribe of Central Nepal Gurung from risking their lives by collectinghoney from wild bee nests are the world's largest climbing high in the Himalayas.
Photographer Andrew Newey, recently spent up to two weeks to perpetuate ancient traditions that started this was abandoned.

For hundreds of years this Honey hunting expertise inherited hereditary, but along with the increasing depletion of honeycomb, honey hunters amount is also reduced.Hunting season autumn honey took three days and was preceded by a ceremony by local tradition devoted to the gods of the cliffs.

To collect honey, honey hunters only use homemade rope ladders and long stickscalled tango. Smoke was used to expel thousands of honeybees--among the largest in the world, Apis laboriosa-who was furious because the nest diusik.

Most of the big Beehive is situated in steep cliff faces, individually decorated to avoidpredators and to increase exposure to direct sunlight.

Honey burun results above relegated to supporting team who have been waiting at the bottom.

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