dinsdag 16 september 2014


The storm that never stopped until there's a goat whose memanjati trees, naturalbehavior is indeed a lot of unusual that we can find in different parts of the world.Nothing can be explained with science and there are unisex which until now still leavesa question mark, whether it happened or just a mere myth.

The Immortal Storm Venezuela

Relámpago del Catatumbo "phenomenon" or "Catatumbo Lightning" is a strangenatural phenomenon. Its location at the mouth of the river Catatumbo in LakeMaracaibo (Venezuela), this takes the form of feneomena Thunderbolt or thunder in the sky as high as more than 5 kilometres and occur during 140 to 160 on the nightsof the year, 10 hours in one night, and as many as 280 times his perhour. An almostpermanent storm occurred over the marshland where the Catatumbo River basin fillingof Lake Maracaibo. This phenomenon is thought to constitute the largest singleconstituent of ozone layer in Earth, seeing the intensity and high frequency. See the video below:

In its exhibit about 1.176.000 struck electricity per year, with an intensity of up to400,000 ampere, and looks up to a distance of 400 miles. "it's this phenomenon also used the sailors as a navigation tool. Impacts of wind originating in the Andeanmountains, causing a storm and Thunder that followed as a result of electricaldischarges through the process of ionization of gases, especially methan formed by the decomposition of organic matter in marshes. Being lighter than air, the gas they will beup to the clouds, supplying the storm-storm. Some local environmentalists hope thatthis area protected by UNESCO since fenomenanya, the largest source of regeneration of the ozone layer on the planet Earth.

Fish rain in Honduras

The rain of fish in Honduran Folklore is common. Occur in the Lempira de Yoro, between the months of May and July. Witnesses stated the phenomenon began withthe emergence of a black cloud in the sky followed by lightning, strong winds, and heavy rain for 2 to 3 hours.

When the rain stopped, the hundreds of surviving fish can be found above the ground.People are going to start memungutinya and cook it at home. Since 1998 the festivalwas given the name "Festival de la Lluvia de Peces or Rain of Fish Festival" celebratedcity of the Lempira, Yoro tahunnyadi de Yoro, Honduras.

Camp rock climbers in the goat-Morocco

Goats in a tree can be found in Morocco. These goats climb trees to eat the fruit of theArgan tree, similar to olives.

Local farmers usually follow this goat flocks as they move from one tree to anothertree. Not because it would like to see this oddity, but rather trying to get seeds from the remaining beans fruit that usually don't get eaten by goats. Each nut contains 1 to3 seeds that can be used to make Argan oil and other cosmetic ingredients. This oil has been used by people for hundreds of years, but Argan trees slowly became difficult to find due to its frequently looted and also due to rampant climber goats that ruin it.

For that group of people and organizations trying to save the tree by making the mainlocation where the tree is grown as a protected area. They also want the world to pay attention to this, Argan oil it tastes delicious and contains anti-aging will be much sought after people.

However, it will be difficult to sell this oil, if it is in the minds of those who will use it for the face or eat it reflected this oil is obtained from the leftovers of the goat. To this enda campaign designed to prevent the goats climb Argan trees at certain times of the year to let the fruits ripe and fall on its own. Seeds-the seeds and then collected andprocessed into oil. So far this plan could work.

Red rain in Kerala

From 25 July to 23 Sepetember of 2001, red rain sporadically fell in Kerala, South India.This rain spray red, staining clothes people with this blood-like colour. Rain color such as yellow, greenand
Black has also been reported to occur.
This phenomenon was originally thought to have something to do with the meteor fell, but from the studies conducted by the Government of India found that colored rainwas caused by the spores of the soft sand of the lush local algae. Then in early 2006,the phenomenon of this colored rain suddenly became the world's attention after the media spread allegations that the coloured particles were derived from the cells of theouter space, proposed by Godfrey Louis and Santhosh Kumar of the Mahatma GandhiUniversity in Kottayam. The origin of solid materials from Earth in the Red rain was supported by an investigation of the isotopic ratio on nitro

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