dinsdag 16 september 2014

Below are the facts about the Moon

Below are the facts about the Moon, Surprising many among us who do not know, for you own please read our facts about the Moon:

1. the water evaporates:
On March 7, 1971, an instrument that was installed by astronauts last month recorded the existence of water passing through the surface of the moon. Water vapor that last up to 14 hours and cover a surface area of 100 square miles.

2. the size of the Moon = Sun?
The moon can cover up the Sun in a total lunar eclipse, but size is not the same.Interestingly, the distance of the Sun to the Earth exactly 395 times the distance of the moon to the Earth, while the diameter of the Sun exactly 395 times the diameter of themoon. At the time of the total solar eclipse, the size of the Earth and the moon are exactly the same, so that the Sun can be enclosed months perfectly. This matter is toometiculous and accurate if only a purely astronomical coincidence.

3. a strange Orbit:
The Lunar Orbit is the only one that really almost perfectly round from all of our solar system. The main weight of the Moon is closer to 6000 feet rather than the geometriccenter, which should thus resulting in a curved orbit. Something that is not known tohave made in his shaft steady. One theory that has not been in the believe is rightthere also said that the face of the Moon is always the same in his every day due to a thing that caused it. Essentially, keep a coincidence of astronomy.

4. the origin of the Moon:
The theory that the Moon was once was a part of the Earth that the Earth came outbecause of the mental collision in the past almost approved by everyone, after they thought that the Moon formed from the dust of the dust of the Earth's satellites becompressible. This latter theory States that if a part of a month being drawn from the Earth, the Earth will not be unanimous as it is now. And if the Moon is hollow, then there may be months could be become a satellite of the Earth. Too heavy, and the moon will hit the Earth.

Theory theory of the origin of the moon back to be questioned, and the craziesttheories throughout history began to emerge, that the Moon was created intentionallyby humans in earlier as a tool in navigation and astronomy, too!

5. the Moon is a starship?
The perfection of the outrageous, and various anomalies that exist there, plus plusnumber of unidentified flying objects are objects on the Moon made many people say that the most likely month is a super large spacecraft created by intelligent beings of our predecessors. And the Moon HAS NOT BEEN abandoned by its occupants! All thecrew members of Apollo and the astronaut astronaut or other researchers of the month, they have seen the light UFO Michael Horn adan unidentified objects that arepassing by the Moon, and appears among the missing for granted, not even alwaysaccompanies any arrival and departure of the team of astronauts visiting the moon.

6. the age of the Moon:
Age months older than predicted, even older than estimated the Moon and the sunitself! The earliest age of the Earth is estimated to be 4.6 Billion years old. Meanwhilethe Moon rocks are in fact already 5.3 billion years. Month 1 billion years older than the Earth!

7. louder above:
Normally a planet will be hard in the longer and the more gently above, like our Earth.His case is not the case with the moon. Part of the month as hollow, while the upper part is hard as hard as Titanium. This is the one who caused that month however alsovery strong and resistant to attacks. The largest crater on the Moon 300KM in diameter, with a depth of just 6.4 KM. Meanwhile, according to a count of scientists, if the impacted the Moon rocks, which impacted the Earth, it will be at least as deep as the hole formed 1,200 MILES!

8. the hollow Moon also evidenced when the Apollo crew who abandoned the Moon,throwing back the rest of the aircraft were not used back to the moon. As a result, anearthquake and an echo on the surface of the Moon occurred for 15 minutes. The invention is being restarted by the crew of Apollo 13, which this time falling harder,cause an echo for 3 hours 20 minutes.

The allusion is like being a ring a Bell then tolled, only because there is no air, then the resulting Bell clang sound cannot be heard by humans. In the meantime, this discoverycalled into question by Carl Sagan, that the satellite did not naturally possible kopongin him.

9. Moon Rocks:
The origin of rocks and dust of the moon itself is unclear, because the Moon-formingcomposition difference different once with the composition of the rock. Stone has evertaken the apollo team of 380KG more, shows there is his unique and rare materialssuch as pure Titanium, chromium, itrium, and others. This very hard metals, heat-resistant, anti oxidation. This type of metal is not found naturally in nature, andobviously not naturally possible.

The scientists also had difficulty penetrating the outer side of the moon as they drilledthe outermost part of the month. After the thorough, ba

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