dinsdag 16 september 2014

Other unexpected peculiarities WEIRD and scary

The number 666
The number 666 in the Latin language could be interpreted as DIC LVX = "dicit lux" the sound of light. Understandably the devil in Latin idioms are often named as Lucifer (Lux Ferre) or sipembawa of light. In terms of astrology, also known as the morning star or planet Venus or the six largest in our solar system.

Number of The Beast
666 in Roman numerals = DCLXVI or in other words in the meaning of the number666 may represent the entire tsb has the numbers contained in the Roman number (D= 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5, I = 1).
All that bad and evil is said to have connection with the number 666 as roulet, when all the numbers in the table will be 666 roulet added. The mortal sin of adultery thus the number 666 in the bhs Greece presented the XES (sex upside down) or Σ Ξ Χ (ChiSigma Xi) because in Greece as well as the Hebrew alphabet lesson they were alsoidentical with numbers. So too with the name of the Kaiser in Hebrew idioms Nero this can be written with the number 666 (Neron Kesar). Deadly poison is poison = poisonHexachloride 666 yg is taken from the chemical formula C6H6Cl6.
This causes the numbers 666 have always identified with Satanism or anything that smells of the worship of Satan.
Satanic Symbol
A symbol or emblem of the occult (invisible) is a means of force used by followers to invoke the help of misguided flow the forces of evil in the world of the occult andsatanic cults. But the new usage can be effective if it is in the form of three dimensions.
The symbol is used to draw attention to the dark forces. Most of us have yet to fullyrealize the power of mysterious symbols are used. Sometimes we use it as a necklacearound the neck, so the bracelet on the wrist, or keep it in the room. Carefully! The symbols are indeed not images is not meaningful. But there are forces of evil behind it.
Beware, no matter where occult influence there, these symbols must be used, especiallyas it relates to the forces of evil. The power of darkness surely know these symbolseasily. So, when you include one of the owners of these symbols and use it, is likely to be easily influenced by the devil. Here are some of the symbols of the Devil:
Superficial symbol is similar to the cross in the teaching of the Nazarenes. But it's not.This picture is absolutely nothing to do with the cross. The Ankh is one of the symbols of the power of the world's most intense mystical black. When traced its history, the Ankh of ancient Egypt mystique comes from. At that time the Ankh was used in ritualworship of RA, the Sun God of ancient Egypt that is believed to be anothermanifestation of the devil. Ra is also considered as the creator of the universe and is worshipped by the people of ancient Egypt. The circle in the top of the head is a pictureof the Sun.
The Ankh is a symbol of reincarnation. But the concept is different from theunderstanding of Buddhism and Hinduism. In the teaching of ancient Egypt, Ankh,meaning as the eternity of life. The main requirement for using this symbol, the peopleof ancient Egypt are required to offer the chastity of virgins in a party ritual that iscreepy.
This symbol often used by the sorcerers of women in practice. Pentagram associated with Lucifer and female necromancer believe that Lucifer means "son of the morning".There is some truth in the description of the devil represented as an ' Angel of light 'and is one of the most beautiful creatures ever invented. Therefore, a sense of pride and arrogance have mastered myself Lucifer. Because of the nature also makes itslumped into lawlessness.
If the pentagram is played in reverse, the shape is so kind of Star "horned". Or whenobserved carefully. the star symbol in the face as if forming a cycle all its demons. Anduntil recently was a Pentagram symbol used throughout the Church of Satan in the world.

Called the Hexagram star shaped as hexagon. The Hexagram is frequently used in themystical rites in the unseen world was black. This symbol should be available whencalling the devil repeatedly during the ritual of progresses. The word ' Hex ' derives from the emblem.
There is an important note regarding the Hexagram has ever used well-knownillusionist Cellini. First, he and his disciple, the Cenci, tried to challenge the demons from within a circle that has been painted on the ground at the Coliseum (Coliseum), theRoman city.
Most of the demons will indeed show up when invited, but it is precisely the presence of that destructive rituals. But, as long as he is convinced Cellini and his disciples are incircle would be safe from the attacks of the devil. At that point the Cenci claimed to have seen a five figure big devil bend over backwards to penetrate the circle of the Hexagram.
In the Chinese spiritual, I Ching, Hexagam also be used with a combination of straight lines and dotted line associated with energy "Yin" and the "

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