dinsdag 16 september 2014

What else do I have in hide this, after NASA

What else do I have in hide this, after NASA

From the results of NASA's 3D satellite reports examine the Sun at discover strangeobjects? What is that?

In jelaskaskan on my post today ... ...

NASA also had to hide a fact other thrilling seperty

Found Signs Of Life On Mars

Now a strange Objects were seen encircling the Sun

About 18 January 2010 then, the spacecraft's three-dimensional NASA intended to monitor the sun began recording giant UFO UFO groups around the Sun.
ufomatahari thousands of UFO recorded Was laid siege to the Sun

According to an observer said that the UFO "seems to be in motion, because in a number of NASA photo video, they were in different locations, flying objects is verylarge, the smallest possible amount of planet Earth.

If this is the UFO planet or asteroid larger than Comet, then it should be the same aswith the Comet events have recently occurred, should have been withdrawn by the gravitational force of the Sun is very strong. "Quantum Physicist Nassim Haramein alsorejected allegations it was a Comet, he said if it was a Comet, the Comet should havethat much we can clearly see the tail kometnya.

NASA Description: equipment failure

According to reports of foreign media network Examiner, at first NASA still publishphotos or videos at his website, but then tore them loose with a reason that is not yet known! The scientist, a three-dimensional projection of NASA'S Dr. Joe Gurmanexplained that UFO objects this is due to the failure of NASA'S equipment, a phenomenon that is formed due to super-compressed.

Gurman said, "the data logger from the DSN on January 18, 2010 failed, exactly on the day it started around the Sun appears the wave UFO." Gurman said because the datalogger DSN Center arose, impairment of UFO photographs that look that is because it is compressed into a "Beacon pattern", is not a normal Image telemetry playback. He said that due to differences in data compression form a person feel like seeing a UFO.

However, those who received a letter from Gurman no one considers that NASA's explanation credible.

Beyond civilization is being Detected and entered our solar system

Quantum physicist Nassim Haramein obtain original photos and videos before NASAeven delete it, do an analysis from the perspective of quantum physics, he explains in the video, which lasts about 10-minutes, UFO is smaller and larger than the Earth isestimated to be a giant alien spacecraft or a giant spacecraft that is capable of crossingtime and space.

These foreign spacecraft using the Sun as a black hole singularity or Star-Gate, to visitour solar system. Mr. Haramein assume three-dimensional data plane giant UFOSNASA obtained of these extraterrestrial civilizations prove that using flying boats of the planet Earth through the Sun-Star entered into our solar system.

Nassim Haramein says that around the Sun often appear UFO. And not just one, but itis a complete formation. In fact, if the United States Government or NASA was well aware of this, that there is a technology that took control of extraterrestrial civilizationsis remarkable, and it allows the spacecraft to withstand the high temperatures near the Sun. However, the United States Government is afraid to admit this fact, and still can't decide that what they will do.

NASA Was Hiding What?

Why NASA should replace the photo and video material? What exactly they want tohide? Does the human race fear him no civilization could face high-tech extraterrestriallike this?

Quantum physicist Nassim Haramein, said after he saw the objects fly, he wrote lettersthrough e-mail sent to NASA, ask the people at NASA are these objects which theyexpect. After that NASA then delete the video on its web site.

In 1984. former United States President Ronald Reagan in the presidential inaugurationspeech, once told the public the words like this: "fathers and mothers, the future of allthat is written in the Bible". The words of President Reagan, making international mediaspeculated that what word mean anyway?

Some people suspect that Reagan's words may be related to predictions about the finalfate of the human race. Worthy of note is that after Reagan's re-election as President, had three times the chance of not-always, revealed some concerns.

In 1985, former United States President Ronald Reagan, in a meeting with formerSoviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, reminding him: "human beings must be misgivings

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