dinsdag 16 september 2014

Hyper space theory: the key to understanding the universe

Steven Weinberg, a physicist and U.S. reach the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979, said thetheoretical physics looks more and more like a scientific fiction (science fiction). The science of physics that he means includes the theory of hyper space (hyperspace).Hyper space already developed through sophisticated computer which is a 4 dcomputer created in the United States. The computer is capable of creating an environment of 4 spatial dimension, an application of the theory of physics about thehyper space. This 4 d computer confuses the eye not trained and demonstrate thedifferent views that are so confusing and so the teachers advise students who camewatched him to ignore it. Theory of hyper space raises also the notion of space flight in the future which is able to penetrate the outer dimensions in the dimensions of our everyday world. Space-time that we experience on a daily basis is thuscaturdimensional (four-dimensional)

But the theory about the hyper space says our universe had more than fourdimensions; There are ten dimensions, even more than that.
Such confusion those who watched the computer 4 d above, we find through thetheory of hyper space oddity. It specifically can we observe in the science of quantum physics, science specialising in forsa-forsa (forces) in Atomic particles and subatomic.Scientists find quantum theory is surprisingly through an experiment that one atom is hit by one of two adjoining land crack in two places at once on the screen behind thegap to shoot him! How could the one noun can be present in two places at once? Thisis against the logic of everyday. Oddities. The strangeness of reality on the level ofsubatomic physics the concept raises other hit the daily logic. In his scale the leastbelievable reality like this, is the result of our observations the creation! In Newtonianphysics, reality contains a belief in the certainty. If a tree fell in the forest, he wasuprooted; There need be no eyewitnesses of these events. But quantum theorysuggests a different reality. Before you look at the tree, she can be in any condition. Itcan be burned, was made firewood, it can scorch. He could be in a number of theimmeasurably from any circumstances that could arise. But once you look at him, heappears to have been as a tree. Trusted "observation created the universe"!

The concept of the existence of many of the world outside our world called dekoherensin quantum mechanics, another term for the science of quantum physics. This is a theory about a lot of the world happens because of our observations! According to this theory, the universe split every time we looked at it! So, the world seemed split every time we looked at it. This resulted in the incidence of many of the universe and the world. This means a person can live in a world but at the same time died on another world, or vice versa. In reality much of the world, no one's actually either die out of life.The truth is a person dead and alive at the same time!
If later proven correct and applied to human life, physical science of hyper space not only will overturn our concept of reality our tridimensional (plus time). He will abolish the various legal logic that underlies our earthly truth so far. The one that we accept astruth is something or someone is not likely to experience two things at once. He was either having a State or experience other circumstances; He was either alive or dead.But in a hyper space, especially quantum world, a person could exist in two different States simultaneously; He, thereforecan live and die at once and can exist in two worlds at once!
Theory of hyper space indeed is one of the conceptual revolutions in theoretical physicsby the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century. Hyper spacethat is probably the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe and creation itself.Theory of hyper space because it is often called a dimensional space more "high". In summary, this room has extra dimensions that exist outside of the four dimensionsthat already accepted: space  the length, width, height or in  plus time. Theory ofhyper space is a set of the unity of time and space the hyper on paper is seen to exist.This unity allows a series of allegedly motion (motion) and communications reach speeds exceeding the speed of light, the fastest in a vacuum element in the universe, which is about 300,000 kilometers per second!
The modern theoretical physics expert about the hyper space says the third dimensionplus time is too small to cover a very broad and reality in which is still hidden "out there." To be able to understand the realities that are still hidden

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