dinsdag 16 september 2014

The Holy Bible


by Marty Leeds
Greetings once again World Mysteries Readers! My name is Marty Leeds and I have been a contributor to this blog series for well over a year now. For a complete collection of my blogs, please visit here:
Below is a brief bio for those of you who are not familiar with my work and focuses of study.
Marty Leeds is the author of three books, Pi & The English Alphabet Volume 1, Volume 2 and The Peacock’s Tales – The Alchemical Writings of Claudia Pavonis (all available on amazon.com and www.martyleeds33.com). His third book in the series, Pi & The English Alphabet Volume 3, is slated for release early 2015. He has an ongoing lecture series available for free on his site as well as on youtube (www.youtube.com/martyleeds33). He is also the host of the podcast “Marty Leeds’ Mathemagical Radio Hour” discussing everything from myth, math, spirituality, philosophy, sacred geometry, lost civilizations and the holy sciences available on www.thesyncbook.com/martyleeds. Marty has been a guest on many popular podcasts, had an article recently featured on www.grahamhancock.com, and was a featured speaker at the Free Your Mind Conference in Philadelphia in 2013. He released his first full-length solo record, Opus Medico Musica this year, available on amazon.com and itunes, and is working on his follow up record for release in 2015.
In this article, we will be deconstructing the title of the Holy Bible using English Gematria. We will be going over the cipher for the English Alphabet very briefly here – for a full understudying of this numeric cryptogram, please visit www.martyleeds33.com and www.youtube.com/user/martyleeds33 or check out my available books. A thorough understanding of the English cipher, its myriad uses and applications, is highly recommended.


ML_gematria_icnSplitting the 26 letters of the English Alphabet in half, establishing 13 letters per side (M–left side & NZ–right side) allows us to form symmetry with our alphabet.


Using the motif of the 7 days of creation in Genesis (the six days of work with God resting on the seventh, or Sabbath –See Genesis 1 –2:3, Holy Bible King James Edition) we can assign numbers to the letters of the alphabet (A1, B2, C3, D4, E5, F6, G7) By resting on the G and the 7th letter, we find a direct correlation to the Freemasonic symbol of the compasses and square.
Walking back down to one from the G7, we can assign numbers to the remaining letters of the left side of our alphabet (H6, I5, J4, K3, L2, M1). To maintain our symmetry, or to create balance within our alphabet, we can apply his entire philosophy to the right side of our alphabet, Z.
Utilizing the symbol of the seven-branched Jewish Menorah, we can highlight our non-prime numbers (a prime number being a number divisible by 1 and itself) with those non-primes being 1, 4 and and 6, 4, 1, on both sides of our alphabet, with the central pillar resting on our or Sabbath. Adding our non-primes together, we find the number 22 (1 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 22). 22 divided by our central pillar of 7 equals3.142, a whole number approximation of the transcendental ratio Pi.
Combining both sides of our alphabet together, 22 / 7 = Pi and 22 / 7 = Pi, or Pi begotten by 7 and Pi begotten by 7, forms what is known as the Tetragrammaton, or the holy name of God, also known as Yahweh, or Jehovah. In the Hebrew Gematria, the Tetragrammaton summed to 26.
Using our cipher we can find the numerical equivalents for the two names of God found in the Holy Bible,LORD and GOD.
Notice both Lord and God sum to 13 recognized by the 13 letters on each half of our alphabet. Combining the two names into LordGod, we find the number 26, recognized in the Hebraic Tetragrammaton as well as in the number of letters in the English Alphabet.


“The word ‘bible,’ meaning ‘book,’ stems from the Greek ‘biblios’ and has an etymological root in the Latin word ‘liber.’ ‘Liber’ is the base of words such as ‘liberation’ and ‘liberty,’ and means ‘free from restraint in speech or action’ or ‘to set free.’ The Holy Bible, therefore, is supposed to be a hallowed and sacred book with its sole intention of ‘setting one free’ or ‘liberating oneself.’ If one is restrained, dogmatized, leveled with guilt, or indoctrinated in any way due to reading such a text, this is very clear evidence that one has COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTOOD what one has read. Reading the Holy Bible and coming to the conclusion that it is a book about judgment, sin, fire and brimstone, or adopting a ridiculous belief-system based on no critical thinking, reason, or rationale is like reading Herman Melville’s Moby Dick and concluding that it is a book about car repair.” – Claudia Pavonis 
The Holy Bible has gone through many renditions, has been translated into many different languages and has staked its place in the history of the world for the past 2,500 years. Millions of people view this most ancient of scriptures as the keys to the gates of heaven, written by the hand of God himself, while others see the Holy Bible as the heights of literary and spiritual absurdity, a morally bankrupt nescient work, and the scourge of the world. The history of the Bible is a sordid one, with many enormous question marks surrounding its origins, its authors and its true meaning. The first Holy Bible, written in Hebrew, was said to have been completed around 500 B.C. Around 250 years later appears the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. The beginnings of what would end up being the New Testament make their way into history around circa 50 A.D. and the completion of this addition to the holy text completed in the first and second centuries. The next four to five hundred years we find appearing many different translations of the bible in languages such as the Middle Eastern Coptic and Syriac, as well as into Latin, the official language of the Holy Roman Empire. The Latin translation remained the standard for over a thousand years and the Latin alphabet, whose letters are identical to the modern English alphabet (save for V, W, and J) was the alphabet widely used across the known world. In 1382 we see of the first instance of the Holy Bible being translated into Middle English. In the mid 1400’s the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg transformed the world and allowed this religious text, before then only copied meticulously by hand, to be freely dispersed amongst the common people. Before this period copies were only read and interpreted within the churches and, more often than not, the church forbid commoners to even own copies themselves. It is not until 1611 do we find a new bible, commissioned by King James the first, “diligently compared and revised” from the original Greek, appearing in the modern English Alphabet that we know and speak today. This text, the Authorized King James Version, is the official version used by the Freemasons and is the only one that should ever be studied due to the fact that it is this version, and no other, that has maintained the mathematical foundation intended behind the text.
The fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were unique and important times in history and may have had far-reaching and influential impacts on the evolution, creation or eventual formulation of our modern English Alphabet. The Great Vowel Shift, a major change in the pronunciation of the English language from Middle English to Modern English, occurred during this period. We also find during this time period the first printings of the Modern English dictionary occurring in 1604. An artistic, scientific and mystical rebirth was happening during these few hundred years as well that saw the rise of some of the greatest minds of the last thousand years. Scientists like Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and Rene Descartes made enormous discoveries during this period, establishing such things as the formulation of the heliocentric model, the creation of analytic geometry, and the advancement of physics. Artists such as Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo, were living and creating their masterworks during this era. The magical and mystical study of alchemy made resurgence during this enriching period. The likes of Albrecht Durer, Michael Maier, Johann Daniel Mylius, Anastasius Kircher, Francis Bacon, Giodarno Bruno and Henrich Nolius all contributed works dealing in science, philosophy, art, poetry and prose. Two of the most famous alchemists, John Dee and Edward Kelley, court astrologers of Elizabeth the 1st, were also living during this time and created works within the realms of symbolism, the occult and ritual magic that would influence generations to come. The sonnets, plays and poems of William Shakespeare, fairly confirmed to be not the work of but a singular man but the collected works of an underground guild of writers or writer posing under the pseudonym of a bourgeoisie, made their immortal impact on history during this era as well. Last, but certainly not least, the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries also brought forth and established of one of the most controversial and influential fraternal brotherhoods still alive and well and operating in our current era, Freemasonry. This organization, a recapitulation of the ancient Egyptian, Pythagorean, and Platonic mystery schools, by withholding, concretizing and cultivating the arcane knowledge within their temples, halls, symbols and philosophies, have allowed us to uncover and illuminate the beauty of the mathematics of our English Alphabet. With but a compass and a square, and a G nestled between these two instruments of drafting and architecture, we have revealed the corresponding septenary-system at work within our 26 letters. The most important place we found this symbol is gracing the cover of the authorized version of the King James Holy Bible.
As we will come to find, the Freemasons, by prominently displaying this symbol on the cover of the Holy Bible, were trying to pass on to future generations the true nature and meaning of this text. With the ubiquity of this symbol adorning bibles, Masonic halls and the entrances to many incorporated towns throughout the known world, the Freemasons were trying to reveal to humanity the deeply symbolic and allegorical nature of the Bible. With but a simple symbol, the Masons were emblazoning the legend and key to deconstruct the English Alphabet upon the consciousness of humanity so that the arcane occult wisdom hidden within the riddles and fables of this ancient text would not be lost. It is this mystical base of knowledge, a system of timeless wisdom, anchored in the esoteric study of mathematics and language that allows one to understand the human condition and man’s relationship to the divine. This knowledge throughout history has been consistently usurped by evil and nefarious groups, organizations and control factions who have every intention of burying our history, rewriting the past so future generations would not have access to it, suppressing the general populace and creating an obedient, subservient and unenlightened subclass, and erecting the pyramid of power in which they would find their seat upon its apex. Knowledge is power and there is no greater power than the power that man may himself harness when he understands the divine within.
Let it be said once and for all, secret societies have not always been formed for evil purposes. On the contrary, many have arisen from the highest aspirations of the human mindthe desire for knowledge of eternal verities. The evil arising from such systems has usually consisted in the perversion of principles that once were pure and holy.- Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements
When a certain spiritual or traditional organization falls into such a state of degeneration that its representatives know very little of its true, inner foundation a spiritual voidhas been created that can be filled, through infiltrations by subversive forces. These forces, while leaving the appearances unchanged, use the organization for totally different purposes, which at times may even be the opposite of those that were originally its own. Having mentioned Masonry, it must be stated that the genesis of modern Freemasonry as a subversive force is due to this tactic of replacement and inversion.Julius Evola
Before we move on to look at the mathematics of the Holy Bible, the first thing we wish to do is deconstruct the words themselves to elucidate the symbolic and esoteric nature of what the title of the book is trying to reveal to us. The word holy means “sacred and divine” and is phonetically identical to the word wholly. In sacred geometrical canon, heaven was associated with the circle and earth the square. As we have established in previous volumes, the circle encapsulates the most amount of space within its innate geometry. Wholly is defined as “the all or entirety of” and since wholly and holy are phonetically identical, and the circle, enveloping the most amount of space is associated with heaven, we may assign the concept of holiness a numerical distinction with that being the 360 degrees of a circle. Nothing is morewholly or holy than the heavenly, all-encompassing circle.
The prefix BI in Bible means “two” and the syllable EL is a phonetic sound for God in such languages as Syriac, Akkadian, Aramaic, Latin and Hebrew. With so many languages sharing this phonetic sound for God, we must assume that the English language is no different. The word Bible stems from the Greek wordbiblios which means “book.” We also find that biblios has a root in the Latin word liber and these two words are where we get terms such as the English library and the French Bibliotheque. If the Holy Bible was translated into the English from the original Greek, and the English word for book is “book,” why did King James and his 72 translators / scribes, not deem this sacred text simply Holy Book? It is posing questions like these that allow us to penetrate the deep-seated spiritual message that lay beneath this text.
According to our linguistic and etymological breakdown we can decipher that the term Holy Bible is giving us some symbolic attributes and clues to work with: Holy, being the 360 degrees of a circle andBible giving us “two gods,” or BI EL. Since holiness is, at its heart, speaking of unification and completeness, let us go searching for these two unified gods and what better place to start than with the human being who is able to read such a text.
The first thing that we can see is that, using the English cipher, we find that Holy Bible sums to 28, which is, as we have explored time and time again, the number of phalanges that we have on our two hands.
 holyBible28 The word Holy has a numeric value of 12 and the word Bible has a numeric value of 16. Fastening our attention and focus on these two numbers, we may find a direct relationship to the importance of pi and this most venerable of ancient texts. The numbers between 12 and 16 are 1314 and 15 and with these numbers we may establish the first digits of our holy pi.
holyBible_piBy simply dropping the 1 in 13 and adding a decimal place after the 3, we find 3.1415. Adding together these three digits between Holyand Bible also yields us the number 42 (13 + 14 15 = 42). With 42being the number of principles of the Egyptian Ma’at as well as the number in which God created the universe in within Kabbalistic tradition, we have come to understand the importance of this most esteemed number.
“The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42.” – Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy
Since the word Holy is recognized symbolically as heaven and geometrically as a circle, and we know pi as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, this understanding presents us with the geometric symbol to find the two gods in the word Bible. Notice that when we draw a line (or the diameter) down the center of the circle, creating the geometry of pi, this gives us a mirror opposite of each side of the circle being a total of 180 degrees.
As we have explored throughout this blog series, finding the gematria equivalents of the words onetwo,threefour, five, sixseven, eightnine and ten, recognized by the ten fingers of our two hands, sums to 180.
With the words Holy Bible summing to 28 this numerical distinction affords us further clues to help us locate the two gods being alluding to in the ingenious and very precise phrasing of the title of this ancient text. With the geometry of pi creating two 180 degree semi-circles, we may equate this 180 degrees to the number 180 found on the gematria values of our ten fingers. When two people bring their hands together in the act of love, communion, appreciation, affection, respect and adoration, what is thus created is the Holy Bible, or the holiness of the all-embracing love found within the 360 degrees of the heavenly circle. The two gods whose hands are united in this most sacred of unions create the enveloping and encircling force of the love of God.
Notice that the numerical equivalent of Holy Bible sums to 28, yet if it is two sets of hands that create the sacredness of the holiness of god, where can we find the other set of hands within the title of the text? Accordingly, if we are to allow the mathematics to be our guide, we should find the number 56, accounting for the 28 phalanges of one set of hands and 28 for the other. Like any good mystic or alchemist knows, one only needs to merely dig a little bit deeper to find one’s answer. The numerical value of the wordstwenty-eight sums to 56, giving us the two sets of hands needed to find the holiness of the love of god.
The number 56 hidden within the words twenty-eight is not just a reference to the physical and emotional love that two people share with one another, but also to the internal love that the human being must experience and have for himself. The two gods found within the word Bible is observed in the marrying of opposites found within the legendary alchemical marriage as well as in the recognition of Jesus Christ being the bridegroom.
John 3:29 – He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.
The bride and groom, or man and woman, merged into one unified being, referred to cryptically within theHoly Bible, and the alchemical marriage, found within the tradition of alchemy, are direct symbolic references to the electromagnetic energy that animates and enlivens the human vessel. This energy, often simply deemed the soul, is created with a polarity and this polarity is understood on the most obvious level physically as man and woman. A household magnet perfectly displays the attributes of this force with the single magnet unifying the dual positive and negative, or north and south poles of this energy. Placing iron fillings around a magnet allows one to view the normally invisible electromagnetic spectrum surrounding it.
This spectrum of energy is what has been long deemed in spiritual literature as the human aura. Though many modern materialist and scientific rationalists see such ideas as mystical nonsense, it is very easy to see the scientific reality of such when we probe and investigate the true meaning of the claim being made. It is most pertinent to note here that the seven-branded candelabra, most notably known from Jewish iconography as the Jewish Menorah, the very same symbol we used to deconstruct the mathematical structure of the English Alphabet, is symbolizing this energy. With but a little creativity, we can easily deduce that the Menorah is a merely a variation of the phrase MAN AURA.
As a thermodynamic vehicle housing this electromagnetic soul or energy, man’s spiritual life is directly related to understanding, harnessing and controlling this internal force. The goal of spiritual work is to merge these two polarities by intimately knowing all aspects, both male and female, of one’s internal life. By letting both the masculine and feminine facets of one’s energy come to full fruition, this makes way for the wholeness of one’s true self to manifest and allows a doorway and channel for the creative force within creation, whose quintessential essence is that of wholeness, to come bounding out and illuminate the human being. The outer makeup of the human being is divided, mirrored or symmetrical, with nearly all aspects of man’s physical self a reflection of itself, and this added physical evidence of this energy’s dual properties reminds us of the reconciled polarities at work within creation. The front and back cover of theHoly Bible, which one picks up and opens with ones two symmetrical hands, is symbolic of the two aspects of this energy, left and right, or positive and negative, at work within the human temple. Thebinding, or unifying part of the book is the spine, with the human spine being the central focus of spiritual work and the location of the seven chakras, most notably prevalent within the tradition of Hinduism. By merging the divided aspects of oneself allows the energy within to rise up, energize and enlighten the human being. Adding the digits 1 through 7 equals 28 (1 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 28), which is, once again, the numerical equivalent of Holy Bible. The seven chakras, or energy points, nestled along thespinal column of the human being, and the title of the text, Holy Bible, written on the spine of the book, are both alluding to the very same spiritual process – the merging of the opposites within the self and the raising up of this energy through ones central pillar, or spinal column by reading, studying, understanding and coming to know the message written within.
Heed these words, you who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the wonders of your own house, how do you expect to find other
wonders? In you is hidden the treasure of all treasures. Know thyself and you will know the universe and the gods. – The Delphic Oracle
The number 28 points to a magnificent, beautiful and undeniable truth: the sacredness and divinity of the creator’s love is found mathematicallyon your two hands. It is and always has been right in front of you the entire time. One needs to look no further than the two extremities that the Great Creator has given us to recognize this unalterable and sacrosanct truth. You are the Holy Bible. You are the written word of God.
Let us be reasonable. What other grand truth and profound veracity would you assume that an ancient, sacred mystical text is trying to pass on to you except the knowledge of the sacredness and divinity of one’s self?
“Buddha DID NOT say take the Left Way. Buddha DID NOT say take the Right Way. Buddha said to find the Middle Way. Life is the grandest of mysteries and the answer to the riddle is to discover the middle.” – Claudia Pavonis 
Stay tuned readers for more chapters from my upcoming book and please visitwww.martyleeds33.com for more info, videos, interviews, podcasts, music and all things related to pi!

Books by Marty Leeds are available on Amazon.com:


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