dinsdag 16 september 2014

Abundant Energy – Artificial Leaf mimics nature

Abundant Energy – Artificial leaf mimics nature

Nature has known a way to produce clean, cheap, carbon-negative energy for over 400 million years — and humans might be about to catch up. Scientist Daniel Nocera’sArtificial Leaf uses nothing but the suns rays to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, much like plants have been doing for countless millennia. Where plants store these energy sources in leaves and roots and fruit and vegetables, Nocera plans for everyone to one day have a personal hydrogen cell power plant in their home.
Professor Daniel Nocera has created a way to produce energy which could help revolutionize the developing world.  
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Stealing from nature: Incredible new tech inspired by biology

Lou Baldin
Years ago when I was an amature scribe peddling my experiences at one of the premier conspiracy sites in the world, ATS (where my “far out” stories made the conspiracy nuts look normal) a poster on one of my threads asked that I show them proof of alien technology. I told them to go and find a leaf, and they would have their alien technology. It wasn’t long after that that my threads were moved from the prestigious UFO forum and placed into Skunkworks. Not a great promotion. Well, most, if not all scientists, in this article below and anywhere else on this planet, would agree that Skunkworks was too good for me, because I belong in a padded cell instead. LOL

At least some of them admit they are stealing (borrowing) technology that is far beyond their understanding and abilities. However, they are not stealing, they are back-engineering extraterrestrial technology, the most basic and simple form of technology in existence (training wheels on a tricycle).    

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