dinsdag 16 september 2014

ometimes nature created for humans, but were nonetheless a difficult mystery

Sometimes nature created for humans, but were nonetheless a difficult mystery save the nature and cannot be solved to man. And most of the mysteries that occur in nature were said to relate to things beyond reason and human logic. Mysteries of nature what are that?

1. Mirny Diamond Mine-Russia

Mirny Diamond Mine, a hole that has a depth of 525 m and 1,200 m diameter

The mysterious happenings on nature's first happening in East Siberia, Russia called theMirny Diamond Mine. Because of kemisteriusannya, in the hole which has a depth of525 m and 1,200 m in diameter these helicopters is forbidden passing underneath it as it would have sucked to the bottom. Scientists have conducted research in this place.They hold the microphone designed to detect the sound of the movement of Earth'splates to the bottom of the hole. But, instead of plate movement they hear, but thesound of the screams of men. Reportedly the screams of agony the man comes from the belly of the Earth.

Though one voice can be distinguished from other sounds, but the sound of millions ofvotes as a background sound that one. Due to the terdengarnya screams as peoplethat are suffering, almost half of the scientists stopped researching the Mirny Diamond Mine is because of fear.

2. Ringing Rocks Park-USA

Ringing Rocks Park, this area is filled with a massive stone slab at first glance look likethe rocks in General

Who said only humans and animals that can sing. Apparently, nature can presentsound like is singing. The nature of the mystery goes on Ringing Rocks Park,Transylvania, United States. This area is filled with a massive stone slab at first glancelook like the rocks in General. However, there are strange. When struck with a hammeror with other stones, the stones will release a tone.

Scientifically, according to experts, the stones can sing because it contains volcanicsubstance called Diabase. In addition to singing, the weirdness was also going on in the area Ringing Rocks Park, such as the absence of animals that enter the area and it isnot in the base of the mountain, but in the top of the mountain.

3. Mount Brown-us

Brown mountain is located in North Carolina, which is a tourist attraction that oftenindicate weirdness

The mysterious nature of Genesis next is Brown Mountain in North Carolina, United States. Actually, it's no secret anymore if mount save lots of difficult human solved the mystery, so also the Brown Mountain is a tourist attraction that often showed theoddity. According to testimony, many people visit the site, from within the MountBrown often seen strange apparitions, such as light-light a strange entry keeps out ofthe mountain. Therefore, many suspect that the Brown Mountain is one of the headquarters of the secret Alien (UFOS) a.k.a. space creatures.

4. Canada-Nahanni Valley

Nahanni Valley, in the Valley stretching over 416 km in the Mackenzie and often foundthe carcasses of animals or human corpses, headless

Mysterious events also often occur in a place in Canada, the Nahanni Valley. In theValley of 416 km of the Mackenzie Mountains, often found the carcasses of animals orhuman bodies without heads. Coupled with the hot geyser spring which makes this region always covered with fog so add kemisteriusan the venue. Even the local tribeswho settled in the region did not dare to enter the Valleys region Nahanni. Manysuspect that the Valley is also called "The Valley of the Headless Men" or HumanWithout the head of the Valley is the site of the entrance to the secret place that is unknown to many people.

5. Goa Son Doong-Viet Nam

Cave Son Doong Cave, this Cave is the largest cave in Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park, Quảng Bình theaters, Viet Nam

The mysterious nature incidents occurring in the next cave Son Doong Cave. This is the largest goa Goa located at Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park, Viet Nam, Quảng Bình theaters. From the inside, goa is often heard strange noises throughout the day. Andthe cold temperatures that exist around goa, apparently causing the surroundingpopulation occipital feather goose bumps. Strange noises that creates the impression of armature of goa make this population did not dare set foot to the Son Doong Cave.It is said, in this place, there are also things occult and magical powers.

6. Mount Bromo-Indonesia

Mount Bromo, not a few visitors coming to the oceans of sand in Mt. Bromo lost andconfused when they want to go back to the street again

Mount Bromo that goes into 3 large as the best in the world for mountain climbersthat kept a mystery. It is said, not a few visitors coming to the oceans of sand in Mt. Bromo lost and kebingu

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