dinsdag 16 september 2014

Mysterious Animals 8

Nevertheless remains interesting to discuss them because no one who knew for sureabout the truth of their existence until masi a mystery until recently. I started to just list10 mysterious plg creature of this century.
1. Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti.

Higher than standard adult human (7 to 8 feet).
The body is covered by a brown long fur (in the case of white Yeti).
Have a potent force.
Yg ft. big and wide.
Have a deafening shouts.
His body resembles a human form (the contour of the face, walk on 2 legs,incorporated strapping, etc.).
A big hairy creature that walks like a man touted hiding in forests or areas that are difficult to reach us. In North America they are called Bigfoot or Sasquatch. It is unclear whether it was a new species of monkey or a missing link in human evolution?
In Asia, especially the Himalayan region, they became known as the Yeti or the horriblesnowman. In South America, the Amazon, there is the term currently in Australia,Mapinguari nickname is the Yowie.
Is it true that the creatures that exist in nature real? An old Himalayan Sherpa once said, "the Yeti is behind the thoughts of all men, only those who are blessed nothaunted creatures.
There is a clear or not, many cultures have stories about the hairy man. Their sightingsin North America and Asia have been discussed since the early 1800s. Although there have been many stories, photos, and their footprints, but so far there has never been a scientific proof that they exist.
Never found one, bone belulangnya, as well as her body, dead or alive.
This Baru2 2 hunters claim to have found the bodies of the giant Northern State ofGeorgia United States.
Both hunters were not mentioned its name it is a friend of Tom Biscardi, head of"Bigfoot Tracker", a group which since long were looking for traces of a creature oflegend.
Bigfoot is a legendary creature which until now has not really can be proved whetherthere are indeed or just simply fantasy fiction writer. News of the discovery of Bigfootwas soon attracting thousands of people who rushed to access group site Biscardi(Searching For Bigfoot: HomePage)
As a result, the crash site because it is not strong, through its many bear the brunt.
2. the Loch Ness Monster and other Lake monsters.

Makhlus giant with a long neck.
The head is similar to that of a horse.
Living in the waters of such Lakes or oceans.
Loch Ness Monster is believed to live in the waters of the Lake Loch Ness region of northern Scotland, United Kingdom. Hundreds of people for hundreds of years claimever seen poking monsters exist on the surface of the Lake is always calm it. But until now, the monster nicknamed Nessie's remains a mystery. Whether these monsters do exist?
A number of scientists during dozens of years working hard doing a series ofinvestigations against him, but Nessie  like most other legends  being chosen todisguise his identity, bury yourself in the depths of the Lake that has not beenterselami down to the essence of it.
The story of Nessie is prefaced by an ancient manuscript from a description in the 7th century. In a note on the Christian chaplain, entitled "Life of St. Columba" writings ofAdamnan, there was a description of a beautiful Lake monsters in Loch Ness.
Mentioned in the year 565, Chaplain of St Columba helps tribal people of the Picts(Ancient inhabitants of Scotland) which suddenly attacked the giant water creaturewhile sailing on the Lake Loch Ness. With the merapal prayer of St Columba landsmanaged to repel the monsters.
Since then, no further explanation about Nessie, but he still talked about until the end of the 1800s. then in the 1930s, the appearance of Nessie back many preached.
Nessie: apparitions
In the 20th century, the first reports appeared in April 1933 by couples husband wife of John Mackay, who drove a sepedamotor on the banks of the Lake Loch Ness. Theyclaimed to see Nessie were sunbathing in the middle of the Lake.
The story of the tumultuous spread on July 22, 1933, when George Spicer and his wifereported sightings of a giant creature figure passing in front of their car around the Lake Loch Ness.
The creature, described as tall as 1.2 metres by 8 metres along the body, the neck of an elephant trunk-like elongated along the 3 meter, while the head is small. Creaturespassing tens of feet in front of their car.
Another report on January 5, 1934, a rider sepedamotor, Arthur Grant, reported nearlyhit a figure of "dinosaur" in the North of the Lake Loch Ness. At 01: 00 a.m. during afull moon, he was surprised to see the emergence of a long neck on the side of the road.
The creature stared at him a moment before moving on into the water. He alsopursues the creature, but only see riapan water on the surface of the Lake.
Then on June 5, 1934, a housekeeper named Margare

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