dinsdag 16 september 2014

Conspiracy Theories Never End

Conspiracy Theories Never End

by Hesh Goldstein
Recently, Mike Adams of Natural News presented an article about the abundance of diseased illegal’s crossing the border from Mexico and being amply cared for, while the American homeless and ex-military are shunned.
Years ago when the Trilateral Commission and the New World Order made the headlines, their purpose was to make one country out of Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.
By erasing the Mexico/U.S. border, that leaves only Canada to complete the process.

So, in doing research, I came up with some bizarre conspiracy stuff and thought you could use a laugh or maybe way less. The reality is that there is an overt agenda to reduce the population so the “gifted” will not be deprived of the ample use of the planet’s resources.

The Ultimate Conspiracy

On March 20, 1969, Dr. Richard Day, the National Medical Director of the Rockefeller-sponsored “Planned Parenthood” program and Professor of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, spoke before a group of students and health professionals at the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society.
Although Day was aware of the “Secret Agenda” within organized medicine to cull the world’s population, he was now free to speak because the closely guarded “Closed Conspiracy” was now an “Open Conspiracy” stating that “…everything is in place and nobody can stop us now.”
Bear in mind that besides the Rockefeller Foundation, other proponents of this “conspiracy” are Bill Gates, Barack Obama and probably Monsanto.Dr, Day’s topics of discussion were as follows:
“Population control; permission to have babies; redirecting the purpose of sex – sex without reproduction and reproduction without sex; contraception universally available to all; sex education and canalizing of youth as a tool of world government; tax funded abortion as population control; encouraging homosexuality; technology used for reproduction without sex; families to diminish in importance; euthanasia and the “demise pill”; limiting access to affordable medical care makes eliminating elderly easier; medicine would be tightly controlled; elimination of private doctors; new difficult to diagnose and untreatable diseases; suppressing cancer cures as a means of population control; inducing heart attacks as a form of assassination; education as a tool for accelerating the onset of puberty and evolution; blending all religions into one and eliminating the old religions; changing the bible through revisions of key words; restructuring education as a tool of indoctrination; more time in schools, but pupils “wouldn’t learn anything”; controlling who has access to information; schools as the hub of the community; having books disappear from the libraries; changing laws to promote moral and social chaos; the encouragement of drug abuse to create a jungle atmosphere in cities and towns; promote alcohol abuse; restrictions on travel; the need for more jails and using hospitals as jails; no more psychological or physical security; rime used to manage society; curtailment of US industrial pre- eminence; shifting populations and economies – tearing out the social roots; sports as a tool of social engineering and change; sex and violence inculcated through entertainment; travel restrictions and implanted I.D. cards; know how people respond – making them do what you want; falsified scientific research; use of terrorism; surveillance implants and televisions that watch you; home ownership a thing of the past; the arrival of the totalitarian global system.”
If you look at what’s happening with government, food choices and many other issues, you can see many of Dr. Day’s topics slowly but surely coming into play.
What this means is that we can longer remain complacent and simply bend over forward for the “powers-to-be”. We have to become vocal, strong and assertive. If not, become a puppet on a string controlled by those thatwant us gone so they can “enjoy” false enjoyment. In future articles I hope to make that point a lot clearer. 
Reference: New Order of the Barbarians: Overlords of Chaos

Top 10 Conspiracies

1. September 11, 2001
Thanks to the power of the web and live broadcasts on television, the conspiracy theories surrounding the events of 9/11 – when terrorists attacked the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington – have surpassed those of Roswell and JFK in traction. Despite repeated claims by al-Qaeda that it planned, organized and orchestrated the attacks, several official and unofficial investigations into the collapse of the Twin Towers which concluded that structural failure was responsible and footage of the events themselves, the conspiracy theories continue to grow in strength.The theories range from those who believe the US government had prior warning of the attacks but did not do enough to stop them, to those who believe the Bush administration deliberately turned a blind eye to those warnings because it wanted a pretext to launch wars in the Middle East.
A large group of people – collectively called the 9/11 Truth Movement – cite evidence that an airliner did not hit the Pentagon and that the World Trade Centre could not have been brought down by airliner impacts and burning aviation fuel alone.
Many witnesses – including firemen, policemen and people who were inside the towers at the time – claim to have heard explosions below the aircraft impacts (including in basement levels) and before both the collapses and the attacks themselves. As with the assassination of JFK, the official inquiry into the events – the 9/11 Commission Report – is widely derided by the conspiracy community and held up as further evidence that 9/11 was an “inside job”. Scientific journals have consistently rejected these hypotheses.
2. The assassination of John F Kennedy
JFK was shot on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas at 12.30pm . He was fatally wounded by gunshots while riding with his wife – Jacqueline Kennedy – in a motorcade. The ten-month investigation of the Warren Commission of 1963 to 1964, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) of 1976 to 1979, and other government investigations concluded that the President had been assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald – who was himself shot dead by Jack Ruby while in police custody.
But doubts about the official explanation and the conclusion that Oswald was the lone gunman firing from the Texas Book Depository overlooking Dealey Plaza where Kennedy was hit surfaced soon after the commission report. Footage of the motorcade taken by Abraham Zapruder on 8mm film supported the growing belief that at least four shots were fired – not the three that the Warren Commission claimed. The moments of impact recorded on the film also suggested that at least one of the shots came from a completely different direction to those supposedly fired by Oswald – evidence backed up by testimony of several eye witnesses. Many believed that several shots were fired by gunmen hiding behind a picket fence on a grassy knoll overlooking the plaza.
In 1979, the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) found both the original FBI investigation and the Warren Commission Report to be seriously flawed. The HSCA also concluded that there were at least four shots fired and that it was probable that a conspiracy existed. However, later studies, including one by the National Academy of Sciences, have called into question the accuracy of the evidence used by the HSCA to support its finding of four shots.
3. Roswell
The event that kick-started more than a half century of conspiracy theories surrounding unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Something did crash at Roswell, New Mexico, sometime before July 7, 1947 and – at first – the US authorities stated explicitly that this was a flying saucer or dis. Numerous witnesses reported seeing metallic debris scattered over a wide area and at least one reported seeing a blazing craft crossing the sky shortly before it crashed. In recent years, witnesses have added significant new details, including claims of a large military operation dedicated to recovering alien craft and aliens themselves, at as many as 11 crash sites, and alleged witness intimidation. In 1989, former mortician Glenn Dennis claimed that he was involved in alien autopsies which were carried out at the Roswell air force base.
The conspiracy theory has been fanned by the US military repeatedly changing its story. Within hours of the army telling reporters that it had recovered a crashed saucer, senior officers insisted that the only thing that had fallen from the sky had been a weather balloon. A report by the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force released in 1995, concluded that the reported recovered material in 1947 was likely debris from a secret government program called Project Mogul, which involved high altitude balloons meant to detect sound waves generated by Soviet atom bomb tests and ballistic missiles. A second report, released in 1997, concluded that reports of alien bodies were likely a combination of innocently transformed memories of military accidents involving injured or killed personnel, and the recovery of anthropomorphic dummies in military programs like Project High Dive conducted in the 1950s.
4. Nasa faked the moon landings
Some of the theories surrounding this subject are that the Apollo astronauts did not land on the Moon; Nasa and possibly others intentionally deceived the public into believing the landings did occur by manufacturing, destroying, or tampering with evidence, including photos, telemetry tapes, transmissions, and rock samples; and that Nasa and possibly others continue to actively participate in the conspiracy to this day.
Those who think that NASA faked some or all of the landings base their theories on photographs from the lunar surface which they claim show camera crosshairs partially behind rocks, a flag planted by Buzz Aldrin moving in a strange way, the lack of stars over the lunar landscape and shadows falling in different direction. Many commentators have published detailed rebuttals to the hoax claims, and these theories have been generally discounted.
5. The Illuminati and the New World Order
A conspiracy in which powerful and secretive groups (the Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group and other shadowy cabals) are plotting to rule mankind with a single world government. Many historical events are said to have been engineered by these groups with one goal – the New World Order (NWO). The groups use political finance, social engineering, mind control, and fear-based propaganda to achieve their aims. Signs of the NWO are said to be the pyramid on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, strange and disturbing murals at Denver International Airport, and pentagrams in city plans. International organizations such as the World Bank, the IMF, the European Union, the United Nations, and NATO are listed as founding organizations of the New World Order.
6. Elvis Presley faked his own death
A persistent belief is that “the King” did not die in 1977. Many fans persist in claiming he is still alive, that he went into hiding for various reasons. This claim is allegedly backed up by thousands of so-called sightings. The main reason given in support of the belief that Presley faked his death is that, on his grave, his middle name Aron is spelt as Aaron. But “Aaron” is actually the genuine middle name for Presley. Apparently, either Presley or his parents tried to change the name to “Aron” to make it more similar to Presley’s stillborn twin, Jesse Garon Presley.
7. Shakespeare was not Shakespeare
Who really was the English language’s greatest writer? Among the numerous alternative candidates that have been proposed Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, William Stanley (6th Earl of Derby) and Edward de Vere (17th Earl of Oxford), are the most popular. Theorists believe there is a lack of evidence proving that the actor and businessman sometimes known as Shaksper of Stratford was responsible for the body of works that bear his name. Very little biographical information exists about Shakespeare.
8. Paul McCartney is dead
“Paul is dead” is an urban legend alleging that Paul McCartney died in a car crash 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike and sound-alike. “Evidence” for McCartney’s death consists of “clues” found among the Beatles’ many recordings. Hundreds have been cited at various times by various people.
They include statements allegedly heard when a song is played backwards, symbolism found in obscure lyrics, and ambiguous imagery on album covers. A few of them are well known, such as the fact that McCartney is the only barefooted Beatle and is out of step with the others on the cover of Abbey Road, pictured.
9. Harold Wilson was a Soviet agent
Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn is thought to have claimed that Wilson was a KGB spy. He further claimed that Hugh Gaitskell was assassinated by the KGB so that he could be replaced as Labor leader by Harold Wilson. Furthermore, former MI5 officer Peter Wright claimed in his memoirs – Spycatcher – that he had been told that Wilson was a Soviet agent. MI5 repeatedly investigated Wilson over the course of several years before conclusively deciding that he had no relationship with the KGB. On the BBC TV program, The Plot Against Harold Wilson, broadcast in 2006, it was claimed that the military was on the point of launching a coup d’état against Wilson in 1974. Wilson himself told the BBC that he feared he was being undermined by MI5 in the late 1960s after devaluation of sterling and again in 1974 after he narrowly won an election against Edward Heath.
10. The Aids virus was created in a laboratory
Based on the theories of Dr William Campbell Douglass, many believe that that HIV was genetically engineered in 1974 by the World Health Organization. Dr Douglass believed that it was a cold-blooded attempt to create a killer virus, which was then used in a successful experiment in Africa. Others have claimed that it was created by the CIA or the KGB as a means to reduce world population.
Maybe some of the above is true and some isn’t. But the reality is that all government agencies and most politicians cannot be trusted. And in the immortal words of your next President, Hillary Clinton, “GMOs are safe. To avoid confusion and to remove the stigma, they should no longer be called GMOs but rather “drought resistant crops”.
It never ends!  
Copyright 2014 by Hesh Goldstein
Presented with author’s permission

More articles by this author will be presented soon

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This book will not only educate you on the perils of the industries mentioned above, it will show you how to live longer and feel energized by the foods you eat. While it may encourage you to start growing some of your own food, you will begin to pay more attention to your food’s origin. 
This book will shatter the disinformation thrust upon us, and will lay out powerful, fundamental truths that can revolutionize any individual, any family, any community or even any nation that chooses to adopt them. Not only should you read this book, you should LIVE by this book.

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